Safe Children
3 smiling children standing together outside in the sunshine
If you believe a child is in immediate danger call Police on 111. If you're concerned about a child call Oranga Tamariki on 0508 326 459

Keeping your children safe

Teach children about safety skills, how to ask for help, recognise warning signs, and distinguish good from bad.

How caregivers can prevent the abuse of children

  • Teach children personal safety skills
  • Ensure your children are confident, informed and know how to ask for help
  • Teach children to recognise “warning bells”
  • Things that don’t feel right
  • Things they do not have to put up with
  • Build a healthy relationship of trust with them
  • Listen to what they have to say
  • Teach them about personal space
  • Talk about secrets and allow them to open up
  • Help them distinguish good from bad
  • Make sure they understand that they will not get into trouble by reporting on someone who maybe stepping over their boundaries
  • Remove them from any personal threat immediately
  • Never put pressure on them to talk
  • Discuss this with a person you respect
  • Be vigilant and aware of where your children sleep when they go to parties or friends houses etc. Know the people who your children are staying with
  • If your child is going on a school or field trip, volunteer or have someone go with them who you trust

Parents checklist for child safety

  • Am I teaching children about safety?
  • Am I aware how abusers operate?
  • Would I confront a close family member, or friend?
  • Do I trust my child’s carer?
  • Have I taught my children enough?
  • Do my children know how to use a safety plan? Do they have a safety plan?
  • Can I recognise various abuse warnings?
  • Will I tell my children that no one is allowed to abuse or touch them?
  • This includes all close family and friends?
  • Am I prepared to talk to my children if I notice a behaviour change or any other worrying behaviour?
  • Am I prepared to speak on behalf of my children?

Did you know?

There is no specific type of child abuser. Abusers can be of any gender, rich or poor.

You don’t have to be paranoid or over protective. Build a warm relationship with your children, educate them and watch over them.

Talk about it openly, break the cone of silence. The main thing is to get the appropriate help.

For more information and support please contact Child Abuse Prevention Foundation free on 0508 100 105, or Family Action on 09 386 1987.

Support us in preventing child abuse

Because all children deserve to have big smiles on their face