Our Achievements
Some of the ways we have reached out to our communities
- We have been present at markets in Central and West Auckland and have spoken to many people there.
- We visited School Galas, where we received a good reception from parents and teachers.
- We delivered posters to shop windows, people in the street and at bus stops. Oneresponse was “There is a real need for something like this for ordinary people “.
- We met the Mayor of Auckland, showed our posters and were well received.
- We have placed large advertisements in the West Auckland suburban newspaper.
- We took part in the anti violence parade in Henderson.
- We now have a stand at Otara market. We have a supply of donated toys which we give to children while we talk to parents.
- At both markets and school galas we have discussed child sexual abuse with numbers of people. The interaction has been very positive.

Other activities we have been involved with
- We attended a Community Funding Workshop.
- We applied for two small grants over two years and have been successful.
- The Minister of Social Services invited us to a meeting of other organisations in Auckland. At this meeting we were shown a new computer programme to assist in dealing with sexual abuse.
- UNICEF held a meeting in Auckland on “Meeting the needs of children in the city.” Our organisation was one of the Auckland groups invited.
- We are grateful to HELP for allowing one of their counsellors to speak at our AGM.
- We are now receiving information from Australian sexual abuse programmes.
- We featured in an article in the Herald and received enquiries and letters of support from other areas of the North Island.
- We are growing in strength, numbers and knowledge.
- Always our focus has been the prevention of child sex abuse. If we hear of cases that need specialised help we refer them to an agency that we have a link with.

Christmas Present Drop
A brain-child of our previous Chair Johana Te Momo. In 2018 it’s second year, the trust took the project under it’s wings, headed by Johana. We were grateful to the new relationships with The Warehouse and Skills Update, who came on board in the eleventh hour to help with quality toys and a venue for sorting and packing by our wonderful volunteers.
We are grateful to the following organisations:
- Mazda Corporation,
- Auckland Council Otara Local Board,
- Tainui Trust,
- Southern Trust; and
- Mercury Energry Trust –
all who gave generously so that we were able to purchase quality gifts for 3500 children for primary, and intermediate schools, both mainstream and Te Reo Maori, based in Otara and neighbouring suburbs. This small gesture created by many, helped children know there is a “light” in the community.
This project provides a gateway for future programs that we hope to establish in schools and community to educate parents, children, families and the wider community about the need to prevent child abuse.

Support us in preventing child abuse
Because all children deserve to have big smiles on their face

What we do
